Melissa Grimaudo, DMD

Dr. Melissa Grimaudo

Dr. Melissa Grimaudo is from the Tampa Bay Area. She grew up in Seminole and attended the IB Program at St. Petersburg High School. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Science from the University of Florida, a master’s degree in Science from the University of Tennessee, and a doctorate in Dental Medicine from the University of Florida.

Dr. Melissa worked in Trinity from 2006 to 2011 before joining her husband full time at All Smiles Tampa Bay in October 2011. Dr. Melissa provides all restorative dental procedures to our patients. 

Dr. Melissa is an active member of the American College of Dentists, an organization of select dentists who exhibit the highest level of Ethical standards in the dental profession. Dr. Melissa has served as President of the West Pasco Dental Association and the West Coast District Dental Association. Dr. Melissa enjoys being involved in the Florida Dental Association, serving on committees and as a delegate.

We want our patients to sleep better

Your doctor. Your team. Our technology.

Our top priority is helping our patients breathe and sleep better. We strive to inform our patients how they can help prevent potential problems and explain why certain treatments are necessary. If you are new to our practice and are interested in a complimentary consultation, we will make every effort for you to feel comfortable and educated during your appointment.

Our experience and expertise provide a higher level of care, and the advanced technology and techniques that we use give you access to safer, faster, more comfortable, and more effective procedures.
If you want to learn more, we are happy to help!

Get in touch with All Smiles Sleep Solutions

Office Location

17200 Camelot Court
Unit 101
Land O’Lakes, FL 34638-7279

Satellite Location

1180 Ponce DeLeon
Suite 401
Clearwater, FL 34756